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This site is dedicated to promoting traditional, conservative principles and policies. 

We firmly recognize that our Constitution is based on rights given to us from our Creator and not bestowed upon us through the acts of government.

On this site, we spend the majority of time exposing RINO republican candidates based on their record of supporting the progressive liberal / Marxist agenda. It is our encouragement that the electorate will support candidates who promote rational, conservative values and not promote the values of the progressive "woke" agenda. 

So what are traditional, conservative values?

These are values rooted in natures God, which includes 
respect and promotion of the nuclear family, individual responsibility, the rule of law, and substantially limited national and state government to ensure a larger degree of individual freedom and liberty for recognized citizens of America.


On a national level this means:

We support only the US Constitution when it specifically defines the enumerated powers of the federal government. We support all other government authority consented to the state.

On A State Level this means:

We support sovereign States rights to govern citizens through their representative consent as long as this "consent" does not violate The Statehood Compact, executed law, and the respective State Constitution. 


Giving light to specific violations:

Senator Lisa Murkowski violated the principal clause of our Statehood Compact when she personally negotiated a 50/50 resource split in an attempt to open ANWR. Subsequently, the Biden Administration has blocked this legislation, but the record needs to reflect Alaska's right to 90% of the revenues generated once it is opened for development. Because this "negotiation" was a violation of our Statehood compact, at the very least, this legislation must come before Alaskans to be ratified with its current language.

On a State level:

The Alaska state legislature never vacated AS 43.23.045 and 
AS 37.13.140 which set up and directed the Permanent Fund board to make available the "traditional PFD" based on 50% on the earnings reserve. Since 2017 the legislature simply chose to ignore existing law. As a consequence, the legislative body enacted this...  

Alaska State Statute 37.13.140(b) is
 legislation which decoupled the Permanent Fund Dividend from the Earnings Reserve model which was used for 35 years to determine the traditional amount of the Permanent Fund Dividend.

This is the POMV (Percent of Market Value ) which currently governs financial distribution to the state legislature for the majority of operating expenses. It appropriates the remainder for PFD distribution which is currently approaching approximately 1/4 of the traditional PFD. To a family of 4 this amounts to a tax of approximately $12,000 per year which is filtered into the coffers of government and distributed to special interest groups favored by government interests instead of going directly to Alaskans and subsequently, distributed into the private economy.

The current POMV model is a direct violation of the citizens of Alaska as it uses the Permanent Fund as a means to determine financial distribution. This is a violation because the Permanent Fund belongs to the citizens of Alaska. This is precisely why it is protected in the State Constitution. In order for the legislature to use directly a tool of the citizens for financial management, this legislation must be ratified by the citizen. This is essential as the current 5% draw on the Permanent Fund could put the fund in decline if we were to experience substantial financial decline and decay. This is the call of the citizen, not the legislature. 

On a human level:

Although the traditional PFD has been a meaningful financial tool for all Alaskans, changing the distribution structure has substantially devastated Alaskans on the lower economic spectrum. Much of rural Alaska is dependent on government subsidies as there has been very little economic development in vast rural areas of Alaska.
Cutting drastically the amount of the PFD program, put bluntly, is a major form of economic discrimination.    


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