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The legacy of David Eastman...

David Eastman has been a State Representative in the Mat-Su region since 2017.

Although he has been in office for approximately 8 years, he is the most ineffective representative in the entire state legislature.

He claims to stand on principles which no other
legislator embodies which alienates himself, not only from his Republican colleagues, but all other legislators because of his self righteous "virtue" standards.



David has a rabid following of citizens who promote the idea that he is the only true conservative in Alaska. This unbridled patronage just reinforces his ineffective nature.

His record is not as glowing as his supporters attempt to promote.

Two glowing omissions to his legislative record is his pronouncement that he has always been a staunch supporter of the Full Traditional PFD but the record clearly shows that 3 years ago David voted against a Senate concurrence vote which would have paid out a FULL TRADITIONAL PFD.

Additionally, David was the deciding vote  against reconstituting the CACFA commission
( Citizens Advisory Council on Federal Areas) which addresses the serious substantive violations of the federal government in regards to our Statehood compact and the ANILCA agreements.
Since 1980, the federal government has violated the ANILCA agreement over 2000 times.

Governor Walker, with the assistance of Lt. Governor Byron Mallott de-funded this commission, and David Eastman's vote supported their efforts to kill this essential citizen committee.

Ultimately, it is the responsibility of a legislator to search for common ground in order to move effective legislation which benefits Alaskans. David Eastman has done nothing but make noise his entire tenure. I find it interesting that he uses the Republican label to get elected but alienates himself from all Republican legislators. If he was so pure, I would suggest he should run as an independent which would at least be more principled since he prides himself as the "Purist" in Juneau. 



The other David in the Mat-Su Valley.......


Senator David Wilson

It is a constant surprise that David Wilson continues to represent an extremely conservative district based on his legislative record. David has been the beneficiary of too many candidates on his ballot which has made their votes divided and ineffective. This year the Republicans seem to finally employ a different strategy which may finally get this senator fired. 

So, why should David Wilson be forced into legislative retirement?

This last session was the most overt reason. Senator Wilson decided to combine his vote with the "Cathy Giessel" movement and joined Democrat Senators which turned the Senate over to a Democrat Majority. In fact, Senator Wilson was the hammer behind the scenes in an effort to "save" Senator Robb Myers from himself.
Senator Wilson turned his back on his neighborhood Senators, Shower and Hughes which effectively blocked them and Senator Myers from receiving minority status which would have allowed them seats on important committees such as the Senate Finance Committee.
Senator Wilson has voted consistently with the "status quo" which is more commonly known as the "Rino Republican Caucus" which looks extremely similar to Senate Democrats.

There is no senator better with "word salad" when it comes to support of a full PFD. He talks a big game by promoting amendments to "look good" fully knowing the amendments will be defeated, but for 8 years now, Senator Wilson's final budget vote was cast to take large portions of your PFD. This is a blatant form of discrimination against the less fortunate and rural citizens of Alaska, many who are native.


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