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House projected winners based on 
Primary Results....

Democrats and                   Republicans
Independents who 
caucus with
18                                                21


Be aware of "problem children" within the Republican campaigns. 

Chuck Kopp:
Although Chuck Kopp is registered as a republican he is all about the state returning to "defined benefits" which is a very big issue with Democrat representatives. Chuck enjoys massive support from
labor unions due to his stance on this singular issue. 

If Alaska goes back to some form of defined benefits, you can kiss your PFD goodbye forever as this singular issue will run up a massive state deficit.

His opponent in District #10 is Craig Johnson. The primary vote put Craig behind and you can rest assured Chuck Kopp is working hard. 
Chuck is not to be trusted to caucus with the republicans if the count is close. He has gone over to a democrat controlled House before to receive the benefit of committee assignments, and he will do it again. 

David Eastman:
Although David runs as a republican, this is only a label to get elected in a very conservative district. He has ZERO allegiances to the republican caucus. Again, if the vote count is close, and David wins, do not rely on David Eastman to support a republican majority. He has turned his back before which ultimately turned control of the House over to the Democrats. David's desire to be "unique" is far more important than control of the legislative body. To David's credit, he does not caucus with the Democrats. They don't want anything to do with him, but they appreciate his assistance on legislation they pass based on his voting record which goes against his republican colleagues on multiple occasions. His votes with Democrats have killed good legislation. 

District 27 has a solid conservative choice with Jubilee Underwood. She knows what the term "team" means. 

Justin Ruffridge:
The singular issue which makes this person unfit for office is his corporate stance against medical freedom during the covid scam. Justin attempts to deny his complicit nature but he was the Chair of the Pharmacy board for Alaska where he made a concerted effort to block both Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine from the market. This man has the blood of Alaskans on his hands to include my dear friend William Topel and now he makes blatant lies about his "corporate medical positions." Alaska is a "right to try" state regarding medical intervention and no corporate entity has the right to intervene in the sacred relationship between a patient and their doctor.

As Co- Chair on Education Ruffridge often sided with liberal Democrats allowing bad amendments and bad education bills to pass out of committee.

This man does not belong in the legislature representing Alaskans. Ron Gillham is a plain spoken solid conservative who is consistent with his values. He needs to be rewarded with a trip back to the legislature. It is a no brainer.    



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